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20:00 - 23:45

Zwei Bands. Neun Musiker aus sieben verschiedenen Ländern. Und viele weitere Instrumente, darunter faszinierende Nay-Flöten und verzauberte E-Gitarren. Eine Feier der Weltmusik im ursprünglichen Sinne: eine lebendige Begegnung zwischen Musikreisenden mit unterschiedlichem kulturellen Hintergrund. Ein pulsierender Dialog zwischen verschiedenen künstlerischen Visionen und Musikstilen: orientalische Meditationen, kompliziert Prog-Folk-Arrangements, psychedelische Balladen und Folk-Melodien aus imaginären Landschaften. Ein Erlebnis: Mumken und Closingtown Orchestra Doppelkonzert. 

Closingtown Orchestra

An unruly pack of wild wonder-seekers, the Closingtown Orchestra is a pan-European modular ethno fusion band. Bringing together a handful of human and a multitude of imaginary musicians, it is a boiling cauldron of Balkan gypsy music, Transylvanian folk, progressive rock and tongue-in-cheek tall tales. After having explored the perks and perils of being full-time street performers from Amsterdam to Istanbul as well as playing on the classical and jazz stage of Sziget Festival, now they create music that is best described as Tool meets Goran Bregovic at a poker table where Mr Tom Waits is the dealer. 

Dávid Katona: E-Gitarre/Mandoline/Gesang 

Erik de Leeuw: Schlagzeug 

Donát Kiss: Bassgitarre

Olivér Artúr Tóth: Geige/Koboz/Metallophon/Maultrommel 

Donato Civita: Klarinette



The musical road explored by Mumken is a direct connection between Occident and Orient. The path is signed by bushes of Damask roses, which lighten the traveller’s thoughts with their inebriating scent. At the crossroads, the dark blue shade of the fig tree offers shelter from the midday sun. Tired feet wait for the fresh evening breeze to rest, when the baskets, that have kept the fruit cool, are offered to the traveller. A thousand and one stars fill the night sky. Thus, Mumken sings its prayer. With love and devotion Mumken explores the possibilities of this musical journey. Possible flashes of microtonal shades in the melodies. Possible inclusions of rebel improvisations into the never defined structures. Possible apparitions of musical instruments awakened from their timeless sleep. Possible and improbable mixtures with far-away folks, who joined the Mumken journey of life.

Barbara Osei-Weis: Rahmentrommel

Hamza Hassan: Nay/Gesang 

Pouria Shaharirad: klassische Gitarre/Gesang 

Sinan Samanlı: Oud 

Donato Civita: Klarinette/Bassklarinette