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Slovenian drummer Vid Drašler and British improvisers, guitarist Daniel Thompson and reedist Tom Jackson first met at 2016’s CRAM Records 2-day residency in Ljubljana, organized by KUD Mreža, and since then they have played together on various occasions and bulit up stong foundations as a working trio.
Their music is full of spiky small tones, quiet microtonal chords, rapid exchanges in tempo, rhythm and dynamics with a great sense for subtle timbral and textural interjections.
They published their debut album called Nouportus in 2019.

setyh & Katja Finsel

sind 3 Individuen, die mit Stimme und Saiteninstrumenten improvisieren und auf lustvolle, verspielte Weise mit den Klängen ihrer „Werkzeuge“ experimentieren. 

Setyh – Das Duo-Projekt von Yvonne und Harald Hofmeister im unbegrenzten Bereich von „Free improvised music“ performed zu zweit oder lädt MusikerInnen ein, die Ihnen am Herzen liegen.

Yvonne Hofmeister
Musiktherapeutin, Musikerin, – Untersucht professionell die Auswirkungen von Klang und Klang auf die menschliche Psyche. – Kreative Gimmicks mit Klanglandschaften; Stimme, Flöte und Monochord in „frei improvisierter Musik“
Konzerte / Kollaborationen mit: Improvisationsduo setyh, Trio RHY mit Richie Herbst, stio – Styrian Improvisers Orchestra , GrazerImproKlub, Improcon, – Bistrica ob Sotli, Impronedjeljak – Zagreb, uva. ….

Harald Hofmeister
Harald Hofmeister – Gitarrist aus Graz. Musikalisch zwischen den Extremen der Beatles und Miles Davis sozialisiert, oszilliert er derzeit zwischen Post-Rock (Strom) und „frei improvisierter Musik“ Klangsskulpturen mit einer elektronisch entfremdeten und vorbereiteten Gitarre. Noise?………
Konzerte / Kollaborationen mit: Improvisationsduo setyh, Trio RHY mit Richie Herbst, stio – Styrian Improvisers Orchestra , GrazerImproKlub, Improcon, – Bistrica ob Sotli, Impronedjeljak – Zagreb, uva. ….

Katja Finsel
Katja Finsel mit abgeschlossener klassischer, und angefangener Jazz-Ausbildung. Abseits davon seit jeher beat- und basslastig sozialisiert. Das Cello im Kontext elektronischer Musik ist ihre aktuelle Lieblingsspielwiese. Mal klassisch, mal experimentell oder effektiert gespielt, genießt sie die Verschmelzung ihrer musikalischen Welten. Von Boccherini bis noise-lastige Improvisation, von der Oper Graz bis zum Jazzfestival Kopenhagen.




They met on stage. They found the same joy in focused connection, playfulness, surprise. They love an unconventional language of sound and unexpected change of esthetics and dynamics.
They don’t like to be asked to describe their work. They avoid definitions. They invite you to join their Space in your own way.

Claudia Cervenca
The Romanian-born and Vienna-based vocalist Claudia Cervenca left the mainstream jazz scene about 15 years ago and has since been active in the experimental field of free improvisation and new music. She enjoys exploring new sound spectrums of the vocal art in an unconventional musical aesthetic.
This has led to international collaboration with musicians and contemporary composers: Judith Unterpertinger, Pia Palme, Elisabeth Harnik, Katharina Klement, Annette Giesriegl, Sabu Toyozumi, Charlotte Hug, Nina de Heney, Benedict Taylor, Dine Doneff, Irene Kepl, Franz Hautzinger, Raimund Vogtenhuber, Antonis Anissegos, Alison Blunt, Hannah Marshall, Lisa Ullen, Tristan Honsinger, Paul Rogers, and others.
Her interest in electronically generated sounds, as a complementary tool to her own voice, was the starting point for her later composition studies and cooperation with media artists (Veronika Mayer, Daniel Mayer, Raimund Vogtenhuber, Thomas Grill, Korhan Erel a.o.).
Member of Vienna Improvisers Orchestra and Styrian Improvisers Orchestra.
Co-founder of 2 experimental performance series: Freispiel (2013) with guitarist and composer Richard Graf, and Fermata (2014-2016) with dancer and choreographer Katharina Weinhuber.

Radim Hanousek
Czech saxophonist Radim Hanousek focuses on various forms of improvisation, intermediality and projects on the border of jazz and contemporary classical music both as a performer and a composer.
He went through a long series of jazz and non-jazz groups and orchestras. In 2009 he co-founded the Norwegian-Czech jazz quartet NOCZ (Didrik Ingvaldsen, Dag Magnus Narvesen, Marian Friedl). This project has performed at many international jazz festivals and has released four CDs, the last with a choir. Since 2015, Iva Bittová has been cooperating occasionally with NOCZ. For international festival Janáček Brno 2016, the expanded lineup of NOCZ (additional instrumentalists and the Norwegian vocalist Elisabeth Nygård) has prepared owns a jazz version of Janáček’s Sinfonietta.
Since 2013, Hanousek has been running his own project combining jazz, contemporary and improvise music Dust in the Groove. Among other things, the project has prepared its own timbres, jazz and improvised variations for Bach’s Aria for the Bach Organ Autumn Festival 2017. In 2018 Hanousek’s composition It Could Happen won first place in the Karel Krautgartner Composers‘ Competition for Jazz Orchestra, which is annually announced by the Concept Art Orchestra.
As an improviser he has worked with Roland Dahinden, Franz Hautzinger, Iva Bittová, Didrik Ingvaldsen, Dag Magnus Narvesen, Tobias Delius, Rieko Okuda, Lily Kiara, George Cremaschi, Peter Graham, Ivan Palacký, Martin Opršál, Pavel Zlámal, Lucie Vítková, Orbita, Fabio Delvò, Tomáš Vtípil and many others.

Yoram Rosilio
is a bassist in the fields of Jazz, improvised, contemporary and traditional music.
He stands as a leader and composer of the International Big Band “Anti Brain Rubber Factory” and in the sextet « Tikkun » .
Taking unconventional paths, he spent several months in New York, Mexico and years in Morocco to go and meet artists and different practices. His has been working with dance, performance, painting, theatre, sculpture and other disciplines.
Since 2018, he is the Co-founder and co-organizer of the prodgect S.H.A.R.E ( European network in creative music and improvised arts) and the Organizer of the SPIME (International Festival of improvisation in Paris).